so, who the heck are we?

Active Travellers
Creative Humans
Adrenaline Junkies
Cool Cucumbers

Simply put, we are creative human beings that want to help bring your vision to life. We believe everyone has something to say and that it deserves to be heard. So we want to help be the mouthpiece for people without a voice and simply do our part in making the world a better place. We like to think we're pretty good at what we do, so trust that not only will you get the highest of quality content, but it will be backed with purpose.

The short answer; Underground is a really (really) cool creative agency. But we prefer the long answer. So sit back, buckle up and enjoy the ride. Underground is a three pillared agency that was born out of the passion for creating beautiful art and intentionally using it to send a message that truly says something. The Agency, The Series and The Journal; an accumulation of everything we know and love.

We believe that most brands and individuals struggle to engage with their audience because their message is unclear and therefore their "consumer" is confused. But we use our understanding of the value in high quality content and well developed ideas and use that to help curate intentional content with a definitive voice so your objective is clear and your ideas are heard.

We do what we do so that you are heard.

What is Underground and why do we do what we do?

Who     What     Where    

Underground is a North America based agency, but we're internationally curious... What exactly does that mean? Great question! That means we'll go just about anywhere; if you have an idea to run a campaign in Antarctica, we're in! Have a cool story in the Sahara Desert, say less! We've learnt to pack light and move quick so just tell us when and where and we'll be there!

Hiking Volcanos, Drinking All The Coffee, Collecting Air Miles + Great Memories.

hiking volcanos, drinking all the coffee, collecting
air miles + great memories.

Jack of all trades... masters of some... that's how it goes right? We like to try it all and we'd say we're an active crew; from diving to hiking to netflixing we're diverse in our hobbies. But we're also pretty dang good behind (and in front ;)) of the lens, we can guarantee that not only will we provide the highest of quality content but we'll make the whole process a good ol' time.

Feeling Like We're Your People?

Are you thinking what we're thinking? We should be friends! Drop us a line, slide into our DM's, write us a letter, whatever floats your boat! We'd love to chat with you and help bring your vision to life, let's get the ideas cookin'...

have your people call our people

let's hang out.

The answer to all your problems... or maybe just one, but still! Learn how to find and build up a voice for your brand in 5 easy enough steps!

Need some storytelling tips? Have a question about a project? Dating advice perhaps? Just want to say hi? Book a free 30 minute consult!

free stuff

who doesn't love free stuff?

l i k e  +  S u b s c r i b e


S l i d e  i n t o  o u r  d m ' s


L e t ' s  g e t  t h e  i d e a s  c o o k i n '

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